Openssh 4.3 P2

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prev in list next in list prev in thread next in thread List: openssh-unix-dev Subject: GSSAPI Key Exchange patches for OpenSSH 4.3p2 From: Simon Wilkinson Date: 2006-03-06 12:40:26 Message-ID: 440C2DBA.1010908 sxw! Uk Download RAW message or body Patches supporting GSSAPI Key Exchange in. Openssh.config 3.7p1 Configuration files 3.7p1 Man pages for SSH I found from the logs that the depot file from which the software was installed is pot now i want openssh 4.3p2 on my system. Home / openssh-aix53 / 4.3p2 Other Useful Business Software X-Ray Your Active Directory Environment For Free Quickly find and resolve problems with Server & Application Monitor. OS: CentOS 5.3, with openssh 4.3p2 Trying to set 'chroot' in ssh shell, but openssh version prior to 4.8 doesn't take below settings. Yum update openssh open up to version 4.3 which is quite old.

Viewing messages in thread 'OpenSSH4.3p2 fails to create a pty session' openssh-unix-dev 2021-04-01 - 2021-05-01 (22 messages) 1. 2006-08-17 Re: OpenSSH4.3p2 fails to create a pty session openssh-u Eric Millbrandt 2. 2006-08-17 Re: OpenSSH4.3p2 fails to create a pty session openssh-u Darren Tucker 3. 2006-08-17 Re: OpenSSH4.3p2 fails to create a pty session openssh-u Eric Millbrandt 4.

The recently announced vulnerability in Debian's openssl package(DSA-1571-1, CVE-2008-0166) indirectly affects OpenSSH. As a result,all user and host keys generated using broken versions of the opensslpackage must be considered untrustworthy, even after the openssl updatehas been applied.

1. Install the security updates

This update contains a dependency on the openssl update and will automatically install a corrected version of the libssl0.9.8 package, and a new package openssh-blacklist.

Once the update is applied, weak user keys will be automatically rejected where possible (though they cannot be detected in all cases). If you are using such keys for user authentication, they will immediately stop working and will need to be replaced (see step 3).

OpenSSH host keys can be automatically regenerated when the OpenSSH security update is applied. The update will prompt for confirmation before taking this step.

2. Update OpenSSH known_hosts files

The regeneration of host keys will cause a warning to be displayed when connecting to the system using SSH until the host key is updated in the known_hosts file. The warning will look like this:

Openssh 4.3 P2

In this case, the host key has simply been changed, and you should update the relevant known_hosts file as indicated in the error message. It is recommended that you use a trustworthy channel to exchange the server key. It is found in the file /etc/ssh/ on the server; it's fingerprint can be printed using the command:

ssh-keygen -l -f /etc/ssh/

In addition to user-specific known_hosts files, there may be a system-wide known hosts file /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts. This is file is used both by the ssh client and by sshd for the hosts.equiv functionality. This file needs to be updated as well.

3. Check all OpenSSH user keys

The safest course of action is to regenerate all OpenSSH user keys, except where it can be established to a high degree of certainty that the key was generated on an unaffected system.

Check whether your key is affected by running the ssh-vulnkey tool, included in the security update. By default, ssh-vulnkey will check the standard location for user keys (~/.ssh/id_rsa, ~/.ssh/id_dsa and ~/.ssh/identity), your authorized_keys file (~/.ssh/authorized_keys and ~/.ssh/authorized_keys2), and the system's host keys (/etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key and /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key).

To check all your own keys, assuming they are in the standard locations (~/.ssh/id_rsa, ~/.ssh/id_dsa, or ~/.ssh/identity):


To check all keys on your system:

sudo ssh-vulnkey -a

Openssh 4.3 P220

To check a key in a non-standard location:

ssh-vulnkey /path/to/key

If ssh-vulnkey says 'Unknown (no blacklist information)', then it has no information about whether that key is affected. In this case, you can examine the modification time (mtime) of the file using 'ls -l'. Keys generated before September 2006 are not affected. Keep in mind that, although unlikely, backup procedures may have changed the file date back in time (or the system clock may have been incorrectly set). If in doubt, generate a new key and remove the old one from any servers.

4. Regenerate any affected user keys

OpenSSH keys used for user authentication must be manually regenerated, including those which may have since been transferred to a different system after being generated.

New keys can be generated using ssh-keygen, e.g.:

5. Update authorized_keys files (if necessary)

Once the user keys have been regenerated, the relevant public keys must be propagated to any authorized_keys files (and authorized_keys2 files, if applicable) on remote systems. Be sure to delete the lines containing old keys from those files.

In addition to countermeasures to mitigate the randomness vulnerability,this OpenSSH update fixes several other vulnerabilities:

CVE-2008-1483: Timo Juhani Lindfors discovered that, when using X11 forwarding, the SSH client selects an X11 forwarding port without ensuring that it can be bound on all address families. If the system is configured with IPv6 (even if it does not have working IPv6 connectivity), this could allow a local attacker on the remote server to hijack X11 forwarding.

CVE-2007-4752: Jan Pechanec discovered that ssh falls back to creating a trusted X11 cookie if creating an untrusted cookie fails, potentially exposing the local display to a malicious remote server when using X11 forwarding.

For the stable distribution (etch), these problems have been fixed inversion 4.3p2-9etch1. Currently, only a subset of all supportedarchitectures have been built; further updates will be provided whenthey become available.

For the unstable distribution (sid) and the testing distribution(lenny), these problems have been fixed in version 4.7p1-9.

Openssh 4.3 P226

We recommend that you upgrade your openssh packages and take themeasures indicated above.

Status of OpenSSH CVEs Technical Level
Solution IDsk65269
Technical Level
OSSecurePlatform 2.6, Gaia
Platform / ModelAll
Date Created 01-Sep-2011
Last Modified 22-Apr-2021

This article lists known CVEs for OpenSSH and their status for the OpenSSH packages used in SecurePlatform R70 and above and in Gaia OS. This article does not list all the known CVEs for OpenSSH - only those that were explicitly checked by Check Point.

  • To check if the installed OpenSSH package is patched against a CVE (e.g., for CVE-2006-4924), run:
    [Expert@Hostname]# rpm -q --changelog $(rpm -qa | grep openssh) | grep CVE-2006-4924
    Output should look like:
    - CVE-2006-4924 - prevent DoS on deattack detector (#207957)
  • Therpm -qa | grep ssh command can be used to verify the OpenSSH package version installed on a given machine. This version can be correlated with CVE fixes integrated.
    [Expert@Hostname]# rpm -qa | grep ssh
CVE-2019-16905Not vulnerable
CVE-2018-15919Not relevant - GSS API Authentication is not enabled on Gaia OS
CVE-2018-15473Refer to
  • Jumbo Hotfix Accumulator for R80.20 from Take 43
  • Jumbo Hotfix Accumulator for R80.10 from Take 185
  • Jumbo Hotfix Accumulator for R77.30 from Take 348
CVE-2017-15906Not vulnerable
CVE-2016-8858OpenSSH upstream does not consider this as a security issue.
CVE-2016-3115Not relevant. Default setting in Check Point 'sshd_config' file is 'X11Forwarding=no'.
CVE-2016-0778Not vulnerable. Refer to sk109636.
CVE-2016-0777Not vulnerable. Refer to sk109636.
CVE-2016-6515Not vulnerable
CVE-2015-6565Not vulnerable
CVE-2016-6210Low exploitability, contact Check Point Support
CVE-2016-1907Not vulnerable
CVE-2016-1908Not relevant
CVE-2016-10009Not relevant
CVE-2016-10011Not relevant
CVE-2016-10012Not relevant
CVE-2016-10010Not relevant
CVE-2016-10708Not vulnerable
CVE-2015-6565Not vulnerable
CVE-2015-6564Not vulnerable
CVE-2015-5600Not vulnerable
CVE-2015-5352Not vulnerable
CVE-2015-6563Requires Expert access to the system. Refer to sk133652.
CVE-2015-8325Not vulnerable
CVE-2014-2653Not relevant
CVE-2014-2532Not relevant. Check Point does not use wildcards in 'sshd_config' file.
CVE-2014-1692Not vulnerable
CVE-2013-2566False positive. Refer to sk93395.
CVE-2012-0814Not relevant. This is a Debian OpenSSH vulnerability, and it does not affect Red Hat OpenSSH
CVE-2011-5000Not vulnerable
CVE-2011-4327Not vulnerable
CVE-2010-4755Not vulnerable
CVE-2010-4478Not vulnerable
CVE-2010-5107Low impact. Fixed in R77.10.
CVE-2009-2904Not vulnerable
CVE-2008-5161Not vulnerable. Very low impact. Refer to sk36343.
CVE-2008-3259Not vulnerable
CVE-2008-1657Not vulnerable
CVE-2008-1483Not vulnerable since R70 GA
CVE-2008-3234Not relevant
CVE-2008-4109Not relevant
CVE-2008-2359Not relevant
CVE-2007-2768Not vulnerable
CVE-2007-4752Not vulnerable
CVE-2007-3102Not vulnerable
CVE-2007-2243Not vulnerable
CVE-2007-0726Not relevant (bug in OpenSSH on Mac OS X)
CVE-2006-5794Not vulnerable since R65 GA
CVE-2006-5052Not vulnerable
CVE-2006-5051Not vulnerable. Refer to sk61744.
CVE-2006-4924Not vulnerable. Refer to sk61744.
CVE-2006-0225Not vulnerable
CVE-2006-5229Issue is not reproducible
Not relevant (this is a client-side crash, not DoS)
CVE-2005-2798Not vulnerable
CVE-2005-2797Not vulnerable
CVE-2005-2666Vulnerability is not severe. The fix is too risky.
CVE-2004-2069Not vulnerable
CVE-2004-1653Configuration issue. Can be disabled if desired (by changing the 'AllowTcpForwarding' option
in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config configuration file)
However, it does not look relevant for SecurePlatform users.
CVE-2003-1562Not vulnerable since R70 GA
CVE-2003-0787Not vulnerable
CVE-2003-0695Not vulnerable since R70 GA
CVE-2003-0693Not vulnerable since R70 GA
CVE-2003-0682Not vulnerable since R70 GA
CVE-2003-0386Not vulnerable

Not relevant:

  • Either Check Point does not use the vulnerable code.
  • Or Check Point does not have this code in released versions.
  • Or Check Point changed the code in such a way that this vulnerability does not apply anymore.

Not vulnerable: The issue was relevant to Check Point code and Check Point has already fixed it.

Relevant: The issue exists in Check Point code.

  • This sk is merged with sk103087

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